February 17, 2012



Segala puji bagi Allah, Rabb semesta alam. Shalawat dan salam kepada Nabi kita Muhammad, keluarga, para sahabat dan orang-orang yang mengikuti mereka dengan baik hingga akhir zaman.

Setelah sebelumnya kita mengkaji siapakah pria yang mesti dijauhi dan tidak dijadikan idaman maupun idola, maka untuk kesempatan kali ini kita spesial akan membahas wanita. Siapakah yang pantas menjadi wanita idaman? Bagaimana kriterianya? Ini sangat perlu sebelum melangkah ke jenjang pernikahan, sehingga si pria tidak salah dalam memilih. Begitu juga kriteria ini dimaksudkan agar si wanita bisa selalu introspeksi diri. Semoga bermanfaat.

Kriteria Pertama: Memiliki Agama yang Bagus
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February 15, 2012

Bahaya Pornografi Sesungguhnya Secara Detail yang Sangat Amat Perlu Anda Tahu !

Sering kita dengar kalau Bahaya Pornografi itu adalah merusak otak, mengacaukan pikiran, membuat malas.
Just it ???
Ahhhhhh….. saya belum merasa belum puas dengan semua penjabaran itu. Saya butuh yang lebih ekstrim penjabarannya.
Setelah mencari – cari beberapa referensi dan mendengarkan ceramah orang, yang tak kunjung menghilangkan dahaga penasaran itu,…… akhirnya saya sekarang tahu Bahayanya Pornografi Bagi Siapapun pecandunya !
Dan sekarang saya ingin berbagi kepada anda.
Saya yakin penjabaran saya akan menjelaskan secara krusial, intinya bahaya pornografi itu apa !
Jadi saya mohon banget perhatian anda sebentar !
Jadi kalau lagi chatting sambil ngakak-ngakak, lagi facebukan untuk ngomentarin status-status teman, lagi download lagu dan film, atau lagi ngeliat-ngeliat gambar…. Plise………. STOP dulu !!!
Baca artikel ini sampai selesai. Baru anda boleh melanjutkan kegiatan anda tadi. Oke ???

Kita Mulai !!!

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New Spiderman

The position of Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man will officially be replaced by another young actor. Name Andrew Garfield, touted elected to fill the role of Peter Parker in Spider-Man 4.

Garfield, which began to be known since playing in the movie 'The Social Network' with Justin Timberlake, judged qualified to play Peter Parker. Garfield's face and age, it is very fitting to fill the Parker figure.
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PS3 Move Games 2011

Last period was very exciting for all lovers of PS3. The period knowledgeable the impact of a powerful selection of PS3 game headings like Hefty Climate Bad, which was amazing. It was also released on PS3 move, which contributes a new dimension to a set of individuals to the game enjoying encounter.

Like last period, 2011 ensures to be an exciting period for all businesses in the PS3. We will be assessing the top ten PS3 game headings films thought out for launch on PlayStation 3 and down-loadable from the PSN system this period. It also happens if these headings are PS3 only and appropriate move owner PS3.
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Engineering Optimization Study

In order to achieve the desired results in engineering design and applications of optimization techniques are often used. This is known as engineering optimization. The other name is the optimization of engineering design optimization. The issues addressed are the shape optimization, optimization inverse planning process, structural design, topographic optimization, product designs and many others. Section of structural design is the design of welded beams and pressure vessels, etc. aerodynamic topology optimization includes, among others.

There are generally three methods or techniques used for solving the optimization problems such. These evolutionary algorithms are also known as genetic algorithms, most popular in its short GA; traditional algorithms and metaheuristics deterministic algorithms.
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February 14, 2012

ERS Method

Teacher: Details day to day cannot see the items and find style techniques ERS headings. For those who know the techniques ERS headings are the designers of some of the best cannot see the techniques of the items on the investments is necessary. Teacher: Details not every day is different from being an urgent situation such as these keep techniques after Master: The Audio of Loss of life is the gamer to another black vacation audio technology technical advancement with a new record, new circumstances, and modern issues, which is certified to be liked by many.

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